Lobster Prices Crash, Restaurants Struggle

Lobster Prices Crash, Restaurants Struggle

Maine lobster prices hit a record high of $8.50 per pound in 2017, but have since crashed to as low as $2.50 in some cases, leaving many restaurants struggling to keep their doors open.

The Maine Lobster Dealers' Association said the average price of a 1.5-pound lobster has fallen from $11.25 in 2017 to $7.75 this year. Restaurants are now paying almost 40% less for lobster than they were just two years ago.

Price swings like this are nothing new for the lobster industry, but the magnitude of this crash is causing some serious pain for restaurateurs. Many are being forced to either raise prices or cut back on the number of lobster dishes they serve.

Some restaurants are even considering abandoning lobster altogether in favor of cheaper seafood options. "We might have to get rid of our lobster bisque and start doing shrimp bisque, which would be a shame because people love our lobster bisque," said one restaurant owner in Topsham, Maine.

Lobster sales make up a significant portion of many restaurants' income, so it's no surprise that they're feeling the pinch right now. Hopefully, prices will rebound soon so these businesses can get back on their feet.

Lobster Wars: Maine fisherman battle Canadian fishermen for lucrative waters

The waters off of Maine are some of the most fertile lobster fishing grounds in the world, and as a result, lobster fishing is a big business in the state. However, neighboring Canada also has a large lobster fishing industry, and the two countries have been locked in a battle for control of these lucrative waters for years.

Maine fishermen argue that the Canadian fishermen are illegally harvesting lobsters in their waters, and they have unsuccessfully lobbied the US government to do something about it. Canadian fishermen claim that they are operating within their rights, and that the lobster stocks in the disputed waters are shared equally between the two countries.

The conflict has led to occasional skirmishes between Maine and Canadian fishermen, and there have even been reports of violence. In one incident in 2013, a Canadian fisherman was allegedly assaulted by a group of Maine fishermen.

The Lobster Wars have been an ongoing source of tension between Maine and Canada for years, but there is no end in sight. The two countries seem determined to fight for control of these lucrative waters, and the fishermen on both sides continue to suffer as a result.

Lobster Megafarms Threaten Environment

Lobster farming is becoming a big industry. The global market for farmed lobster was estimated at $1.2 billion in 2016, and it is expected to grow to $2.5 billion by 2021, according to a report by MarketsandMarkets.

But with this growth comes concerns about the environmental impact of megafarms. These industrial-scale farms can have a devastating effect on the local environment, particularly on waterways and marine life.

For instance, in Nova Scotia – where the majority of Canada's lobster is farmed – there are concerns that the industry is polluting the water with organic waste and antibiotics. This could create health risks for people and animals, as well as harming delicate ecosystems.

In addition, the construction of many lobster farms has destroyed vital seabed habitats, such as coral reefs and salt marshes. This not only harms marine life but also compromises the coastal communities that rely on these ecosystems for their livelihoods.

It is clear that if the industry continues to grow at its current rate, it will have serious implications for our planet's oceans and environment. So what can be done to mitigate these risks?

We need better regulation of megafarms, including more stringent standards for water quality and habitat protection. The industry must also take greater responsibility for cleaning up its messes and restoring damaged ecosystems.

Above all, we need to be mindful of the environmental impacts of our food choices. Lobster may be a delicacy, but we should not forget that it comes from the sea – a precious natural resource that we must protect for future generations

Lobster Disease Spreading

The lobster disease spreading is causing havoc in the lobster industry. Lobstermen are reporting diseased lobsters washing up on the shorelines, and scientists are still trying to determine the cause of the outbreak.

This disease is believed to be caused by a bacteria, which causes lesions on the outer shell of the lobster. These lesions make the lobster vulnerable to infection, and eventually death.

The disease was first identified in 2006, and has been spreading ever since. In 2015, it was reported that over 90% of the lobsters caught in Rhode Island were infected with the disease.

The spread of this disease is causing concern for both commercial and recreational lobster fisherman. The prices for lobster have been dropping as a result of the increasing number of diseased lobsters being caught. This is putting stress on an already struggling industry.

Scientists are working hard to determine the cause of this outbreak and find a cure for the disease. In the meantime, fisherman are hoping that this disease will not spread any further.

Demand for Lobster Soaring While Supply Dwindles

The demand for lobster has been soaring in recent years as the popularity of the crustacean continues to grow, while the supply of lobster dwindles. This has caused the prices of lobster to skyrocket, with a single lobster now costing upwards of $30 in some cases.

This has created a bit of a dilemma for consumers, as many people are unwilling to pay such high prices for lobster. At the same time, however, people are unwilling to let this delicacy go out of style, so they are willing to pay more than they might normally be comfortable with.

This dilemma is also being felt by restaurants and other businesses that serve lobster. They are finding it harder and harder to keep up with the demand for lobster, and as a result, they are having to charge more for it.

This trend is likely to continue into the future, as the demand for lobster shows no signs of slowing down. While there may be a slight dip during times of economic recession, it is safe to say that the overall trend will be upward.

So what is behind this surge in demand for lobster? There are several factors that have contributed to this trend. For one thing, people have become more health-conscious in recent years, and as a result, they are looking for healthier protein options than red meat. Lobster ticks all the boxes in terms of being a healthy protein choice – it is low in calories and high in Omega-3 fatty acids.

Another factor that has helped fuel the demand for lobster is its rising popularity among chefs. The culinary world has embraced lobster in a big way, and as a result, it can now be found on menus at some of the most prestigious restaurants around the world.

Finally, social media has played a role in helping to boost the profile of lobster. Lobster fans have taken to social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter to share photos and videos of their favourite dishes featuring lobster. This has helped create excitement around this culinary delicacy and increased its appeal among consumers.


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